From tillage to harvest and everything in between, KUHN has an extensive lineup of quality products designed to meet your demands
KUHN has long been recognized as the world leader in hay-making equipment, with mowing machines, tedders and rakes that are famous for their quality, performance, reliability and longevity.
Harvesting high-quality hay and forage is a core value for Kuhn. Whether you are a large or small operation, cutting and conditioning either grass or alfalfa, Kuhn offers many different models of disc mower conditioners to meet your hay-cutting needs.
As well, Kuhn provides a wide variety of rotary rakes and tedders that provide hay producers with the ability to put up faster drying, better quality hay.
For maximum return on your hay investment dollar, see Noble Tractor and Equipment for your next purchase of reliable Kuhn hay products.
Disc Mowers
Front & Rear Mower & Mower Conditioner Combinations
GMD Disc Mowers
Trailed Mower Conditioners
GA Single Rotor Rakes Brochure
GF102 & GF1002 Series Tedders
Hay Mergers
Kuhn GA Twin Rotor Rakes
Kuhn Wheel Rakes
MM902 Hay Merger
Tedder Rake Combination
Large Square Balers Brochure
Round and Square Bale Wrappers
VB VBP 2160, 2190 Round Balers Brochure
VB VBP 2200 Series Round Balers Brochure
KUHN Plows help increase crop productivity, while helping preserve soil quality. For your tillage practices that require the burying of all trash or cover crops, KUHN’s line of modern, high-capacity plows can help meet your plowing needs. The future of farming depends on profitability, so with all the latest innovations, KUHN plows last longer, and have lower maintenance costs, too
If you need to meet diverse seedbed preparation challenges, look to KUHN Power Tillers and Harrows
to provide efficient and reliable performance with the versatility to excel in a wide range of working conditions. With adaptable features, durable construction, and heavy-duty drives, KUHN Power Tiller and Power Harrows are the tillage tools of choice.
For over 50 years, KUHN has been perfecting the rotary power tiller, while always focusing on giving producers, from homeowners to large commercial operators, the best ROI possible. Incorporating residue, enhancing soil structure and improving subsequent root development; if one or more of
these are goals you want to accomplish, a KUHN power tiller is your solution.
Kuhn’s quality fertilizer spreaders are designed for reducing costs, fast adjustment, easy calibration and a precise spread pattern for increased yields. Adjustment in both length and angle permit the broadcast of small and large seeds, as well as powdered, granular and pelletized fertilizers.

Kuhn Group is the worldwide leader in Manure Spreaders which are marketed through the Kuhn Knight brand. Kuhn offers a full range of Side-Discharge and Rear-Discharge Spreaders to meet the needs of your operation.
With over 60 years of experience, KUHN KNIGHT is the leader in innovative box spreaders. Apron and push-type box spreaders are available to spread all types of solid materials. KUHN KNIGHT offers the ProPush and commercial ProSpread models which are available in several beater options for consistent spreading to maximize nutrient value.

KUHN Knight is the leader in side-discharge spreaders, with over 30 years of experience. The ProTwin® Slinger® manure spreader can spread the widest variety of materials, from solids to slurry, while providing an even and controlled spread pattern. This accurate application will continue to help you use the nutrient value of manure and help reduce purchased fertilizer costs.
Versatile, Efficient & Reliable
SLC 100 Series Side-Discharge Manure Spreaders
If you need one machine to handle all of your diverse spreading needs, look to the KUHN Knight SL 100 Series ProTwin® Slinger® manure spreaders. Four trailer models are available with capacities ranging from 1,000 to 2,400 gallons.
Truck-mount and trailer models are available with capacities ranging from 2,600 to 5,000 gallons!

KUHN Knight Vertical Maxx® vertical mixers offer the most versatility to process and mix the widest variety of feedstuffs. This includes round bales, square bales, baleage, forages, small grains, concentrates and other hard-to-handle materials. Improved feed movement provides a fast, complete mix for a fluffy and palatable ration to put in front of your livestock.
With single-, twin-, and triple-auger vertical mixers, with capacities ranging from 270 to 1,960 cubic feet, KUHN is sure to have a mixer to meet the demands of your operation.
Whether you are mixing 100% hay or 100% grain or any ration in between KUHN KNIGHT has the right mixer to meet your needs, with the most complete TMR mixer line on the market today. Vertical Maxx Mixers mix the widest variety of feedstuffs, including round bales. The 4-Auger machines allow incorporation of up to 50% alfalfa hay and require less horsepower than other types of mixers. The Reel Auggie and Commercial Reel Mixers provide superior mix quality.
VERTICAL MAXX® VS 127 | 135 | 143
SIMPLE & AFFORDABLE KUHN Knight VS 100 Series Vertical Maxx® single-auger mixers are an affordable, high-quality option designed for small cow/calf, backgrounder and dairy operations that process and mix high percentages of hay. Three models available, the VS 127, VS 135 and VS 143, offer capacities that range from 270 to 480 cubic feet (with extensions). To best meet your mixing needs, choose from trailer or stationary models. The VS 100 Series mixers can mix a wide variety of feedstuffs, even hard to handle round bales, large square bales and baleage. The redesigned cone-shaped auger and angled top cover promote consistent material flow and improved cleanoff. The smaller diameter auger results in a lower horsepower requirement for more efficient, economical operation. Left, right, or a combination of left and right side discharges, along with a variety of conveyor options are available to meet the needs of your operation and place feed exactly where your animals need it.